Scorchio Wand (r96) [Ultra Rare]View in Item Database
DescriptionNow Scorchios can zap their opponents with this clever little wand!!! Scorchio Wand

Scorchio Only


Average Rating [?]
Attack *light**light**dark**dark*
Defense N/A
Reflect N/A
Effects N/A
Actual Icons
JN Price 2,100 NP
Restocks At Battle Magic
Used By N/A
Notes None
Ratings - Scorchio Wand
This weapon will only be rated for Regular 1P/2P use, since it doesn't have any niche or league use.

Price (0/3): The price isn't insulting, but for that amount you can get plenty of weapons that do at least twice as much damage each.
Power (0/5): Way below average icons, easy to block icon types, and species restricted? No thanks.
Uniqueness (0/2): Most species restricted weapons are like that.

Overall It's what you'd expect. Only good species restricted items are the healers and freezers. Because of that its final rating is 0/10. I can't give a rating of 0 however, so it gets a shameful 1 instead.

Rated on June 30, 2020

Price/Power (0/5)
Only 4 icons? This item will never be worth using

Countermeasures (0/5)
Easy to block without trying, but why would you even need to?

Alternatives Upgrades or Downgrades
Anything. Just get a Scroll of the Scholar or Scroll of the Fool

Other Points

Final Thoughts
Another species item which is total trash

Rated on June 29, 2014

Price/power (0/5): Way too expensive for a 4-iconer.

Tactical (0/5): What are you gonna do with 4 icons?

Bonus (1/1): I used to have one of these back in the day.

Closing remarks: Get a Scroll of Dark Nova if you really like the icons. For everyone else, just get a Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer.

Rated on May 25, 2013