Tuskaninny Battle Trumpet (r99) [Super Rare]View in Item Database
DescriptionWhen a Tuskaninny bellows down this colourful trumpet all opponents tremble in fear. Tuskaninny Battle Trumpet

Tuskaninny Only


Average Rating [?]
Attack *earth**earth**earth**earth**earth**light**light**light*
Defense N/A
Reflect N/A
Effects N/A
Actual Icons
JN Price Inflation Notice
Restocks At Battle Magic
Used By N/A
Notes None
Ratings - Tuskaninny Battle Trumpet
This weapon will only be rated for Regular 1P/2P use, since it doesn't have any niche or league use.

Price (0/3): Way, Way too expensive. r99 does that to weapons usually.
Power (0/5): 8 icons is a bit underpowered, add in to the fact that the icons it uses are extremely easy to block, and then sprinkle in the fact that this is a species restricted weapon, and it makes it all the more useless.
Uniqueness (0/2): It's an underpowered species restricted weapon. Nothing special.

Overall This is borderline usable, but for the price you could sell it and buy better weapons instead. Because of that its final rating is 0/10. I can't give a rating of 0 however, so it gets a shameful 1 instead.

Rated on May 31, 2020

Price/Power (0/5)
8 icons is on the cusp, but certainly not for this price.

Countermeasures (0/5)
Easy to block without trying.

Alternatives Upgrades or Downgrades
Get a Altadorian Swordbreaker or Energy Blaster

Other Points

Final Thoughts
What is the point of the white cotton like stuff?

Rated on April 21, 2014