Cherry Jelly Sword (r97) [Ultra Rare]View in Item Database
DescriptionA fearsome blade that your pet can munch on if they feel a little bit peckish. Cherry Jelly Sword


Average Rating [?]
Attack *fire**fire**physical*+*physical*
Defense *-physical**-physical**-physical*
Reflect N/A
Effects N/A
Actual Icons
JN Price 30,500 NP
Restocks At Battle Magic
Used By N/A
Notes None
Distributions - Cherry Jelly Sword
Minimum: 2.20
Maximum: 4.00
Mean: 3.10
Ratings - Cherry Jelly Sword
This weapon will only be rated for Regular 1P/2P use, since it doesn't have any niche or league use.

Price(0/3): Completely worthless. Any neopoint spent on this item would be a waste, so it doesn't matter if it were dirt-cheap.
Power(0/5): The amount of icons this weapon does is too low for today's battledome. Even at its best it wouldn't be able to deal enough damage, making it completely worthless since your opponent would out-damage you every time. Icon types don't really matter when the damage output is this low, so even if it had the best icon types this would be useless. To makes things worse this weapon has fractioned icons, so it wouldn't even do the damage you'd think it does at first glance. while it barely defends against any icons, defeating the purpose of a dual duty. It'd be better to focus on either attack or defence instead of splitting total icons like this.
Uniqueness(0/2): Dual duties should compromise a bit of attacking power for extra defence or the other way around. This, like many others, is just underpowered.

Overall it's just your average underpowered, useless item. Nothing worth checking out here. Because of that its final rating is 0/10. I can't give a rating of 0 however, so it gets a shameful 1 instead.

Rated on September 30, 2023

Overview: It's an edible sword. I don't think anyone was expecting greatness...

The Good: The art is neat and its a cheap dual-duty weapon.

The Bad: The Cherry Jelly Sword sadly isn't a viable dual duty. It gets decimated by the Scarab Ring and loses to my favorite pair of dirt-cheap weapons, the Scroll of Ultranova and Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer. Worst of all, it can at best tie with the pitiful Attack Fork. Being beaten by the old-and-terrible Attack Fork is the sign of really bad weapon.

The Ugly Truth: It might be tasty, but the Cherry Jelly Sword isn't a very good weapon. Steer clear and get a better budget weapon.

Rated on September 30, 2014

Price/Power (0/5)
I don't even know where to begin on how bad this item is.

Countermeasures (0/5)
Anything, really. It is that bad.

Alternatives Upgrades or Downgrades
This item is highly weak. You should be having at least a 12 icon Multiuse such as a Scarab Ring or a more powerful multiuse such as a Scroll of the Fool or Flask of Liquid Fire

Other Points

Final Thoughts
At least it isn't species restricted- there is that.

Rated on April 16, 2014