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Shard of The Obelisk (r101) [Special]View in Item Database
DescriptionThe War of the Obelisk is one of the most illusive events in history and still brews mystery to this day. This item was awarded during the 20th Birthday Neopets Through the ages event. Shard of The Obelisk


Average Rating [?]
Attack *light**light**fire*+*fire*
Defense *-dark**-dark**-earth**-earth**-light**-light*
Reflect N/A
Effects N/A
Actual Icons
JN Price 740 NP
Restocks At N/A
Used By N/A
Notes Thank you to mikurubeam297 for helping test this item.
Ratings - Shard of The Obelisk
This weapon will only be rated for Regular 1P/2P use, since it doesn't have any niche or league use.

Price(0/3): Completely worthless. Any neopoint spent on this item would be a waste, so it doesn't matter if it were dirt-cheap.
Power(0/5): The amount of icons this weapon does is too low for today's battledome. Even at its best it wouldn't be able to deal enough damage, making it completely worthless since your opponent would out-damage you every time. Icon types don't really matter when the damage output is this low, so even if it had the best icon types this would be useless. To makes things worse this weapon has fractioned icons, so it wouldn't even do the damage you'd think it does at first glance. while it barely defends against any icons, defeating the purpose of a dual duty. It'd be better to focus on either attack or defence instead of splitting total icons like this.
Uniqueness(0/2): Dual duties should compromise a bit of attacking power for extra defence or the other way around. This, like many others, is just underpowered.

Overall it's just your average underpowered, useless item. Nothing worth checking out here. Because of that its final rating is 0/10. I can't give a rating of 0 however, so it gets a shameful 1 instead.

Rated on June 30, 2023

It's more a shield that happens to maybe do icons than a dual duty.

The problem is it's a very weak shield. Not worth using.

Rated on April 9, 2020

Price/Power (0/5)
A dual duty like this is much nicer when it comes coupled with a stronger attack. If this item had like- 3 times the attack icons, it would actually be really good.

Countermeasures (2/5)
One of the few positives of this weapon is that icon combination. It can easily damage several common weapons such as the Scroll of Knowledge and Magic Gridlock Gun. But without a little boost to attack- you'd likely be throwing away more than you would gain.

Alternatives Upgrades or Downgrades
It is true, there isn't many items with this exact combination of icons- but you could pair a Tower Shield with a Flask of Liquid Fire. You may be like- but why use two items and say they are better than one item? Well when the icon numbers are as low as this, i'd rather lose the extra item than maintain the icons shown here alone. Even if you had two of these, while the defense would be slightly better than the above combo- the attack would dwarf it.

Other Points

Final Thoughts
based on the number of icons alone- perhaps MAYBE I would bother if you used the entire obelisk to attack someone.

Rated on February 29, 2020