Aisha Sword (r138) [RARITY 138]View in Item Database
DescriptionThis great item was given away as part of the Neopets Limited Too promotion!!! Aisha Sword


Average Rating [?]
Attack *air**air**physical*+*physical**physical*
Defense N/A
Reflect N/A
Effects N/A
Actual Icons
JN Price -
Restocks At N/A
Used By N/A
Notes None
Distributions - Aisha Sword
Minimum: 2.30
Maximum: 5.00
Mean: 3.65
Ratings - Aisha Sword
This weapon will only be rated for Regular 1P/2P use, since it doesn't have any niche or league use.

Price(0/3): Way, way more expensive than it's worth. You could easily buy way more useful battledome items with the amount of neopoints this one costs.
Power(0/5): The amount of icons this weapon does is too low for today's battledome. Even at its best it wouldn't be able to deal enough damage, making it completely worthless since your opponent would out-damage you every time. Icon types don't really matter when the damage output is this low, so even if it had the best icon types this would be useless
Uniqueness(0/2): Sadly, most weapons tend to be rather underpowered or bland, be it because of lower than average icon count, easy to block icon types, or just oversaturation. This isn't the exception.

Overall it's just your average underpowered, useless item. Nothing worth checking out here. Because of that its final rating is 0/10. I can't give a rating of 0 however, so it gets a shameful 1 instead.

Rated on October 31, 2020

Price/power (0/5): Incredibly overpriced and weak.

Tactical (0/5): Anything less than 9 icons is not worth using. Some 11-iconers are cheap enough these days.

Bonus (1/1): Because I can't give this a 0.

Closing remarks: Get a Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer if you're looking for a beginner's weapon. If you can actually afford this sword, you might as well get a Sword of Ari.

Rated on March 27, 2016

Price/Power (0/5)
Obscenely overpriced and weak. Yet another sword worth running away from and never even considering using. If you own one of these you should just put it in your Gallery or SDB and leave it there forever.

Countermeasures (0/5)
Not really worth countering, it is the sort of item that is so weak that it could be easily blocked without even planning towards it.

Alternatives Upgrades or Downgrades
Scroll of Ultranova or Scroll of Knowledge if you are aiming low price wise. Otherwise move up to an Ylanas Blaster.

Other Points (2 Bonus)
I do love me some retired RIC items... but not more then this.

Final Thoughts
I am sure there are some Aisha Gallery owners who would kill for this item.

Rated on March 29, 2014