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New Battledome Strength and Defence Boosts
Posted by macosten on January 23, 2025, 5:37 pm NST

After today's downtime earlier this morning, you may notice that your Neopet is doing a bit more damage than before in the Battledome! This update has added two new boosts to your pet's strength and defence stats!

Here are the new boost tiers for both strength and defence:

  • 750 to 799: attack or block 16 damage per icon (same as before, previously simply 750+)
  • 800 and 849: attack or block 17 damage per icon (New)
  • 850 or greater: attack or block 18 damage per icon (New)

For a full rundown of all the strength and defence boosts, check out our Strength and Defence Boost Charts:

We are currently updating all of our guides on Battlepedia (and the rest of Jellyneo) to reflect this new Battledome reality—please bear with us as we do so! Our various calculators in the Battlepedia will be updated, and our Top Pets list will be updated to count the higher boosted stats.

There are 31 comments below. Add yours!

cuddlytoaster, January 23, 2025 5:40 PM NST
I don't mind this so much because it gives people something to grind for. I just wish there were stronger opponents that warrant this change. Maybe with the plot it will help
avalerion, January 23, 2025 5:42 PM NST
Aw man I was so close to 750 defense. Looks like it'll be a while before I get to celebrate getting the max boost
siljorfa, January 23, 2025 5:47 PM NST
When I finally got to 750 on both Attack and Defense and was working towards getting my HP up to 750 aswell, the BD gets the stats boost updated after more than 10 years... I though they would've fixed DoN first tho
powerwingamber, January 23, 2025 5:53 PM NST
Ooooh! I hope this means more powerful opponents are coming soon, too!

I also hope speed/movement will have a purpose eventually.
faellie_ridiculous, January 23, 2025 6:23 PM NST
I guess this is a good thing, but it seems to me that it makes little to no difference in my one player daily battling. 16.5 to 18. Meh. My BD pet has in excess of 2000 STR. So the 850 plus cap does not float my boat as much as I would like.

Not that I am not grateful for the work and addressing the needs of hard core BD players. It just does not seem to be enough for the higher end.
heznarrt, January 23, 2025 6:29 PM NST
You know, you'd think they'd just make a sliding scale official, this way they'd never have to increase the stat limit again. Like make it so every 50 points in a stat you get 1 more damage per icon, and just set no limit.
breezydreams, January 23, 2025 6:40 PM NST
They kept their word and added boosts... 2 boosts. I guessed the max would rise to 100, if they didn't move to the sliding scale officially. Maybe this is a test, and success means they will raise the boosts a lot more?

There are few opponents for pretty well-trained and armed Pets. I would ot mind aiming to grind the Giant Chomby on red, for example.
breezydreams, January 23, 2025 6:44 PM NST
max would rise to 1000


would not mind

Memo: warm fingers before typing. Or laptop, heheh.
butterflyvj, January 23, 2025 6:58 PM NST
Nice, I just got my pet to 750 attack so I decided to work on her defence. Guess I can go back to training her offense!
octorockstar, January 23, 2025 7:00 PM NST
Well, my pet WAS going to be at the max strength by the end of March, but looks like I'll be training him longer than I expected.Oops!
I guess I don't really mind though?? Training's what kept me logging in every day.
pigfish99, January 23, 2025 7:39 PM NST
Nice little update. hopefully they expand it to 1000, a nice round number.
eleanorrigby, January 23, 2025 7:40 PM NST
My BD pet's strength and defence are both over 1000 just from Faerie Quests and random boosts over the years since I reached 750, so I'm pretty happy with this.
hexen, January 23, 2025 8:17 PM NST
Nice! Now they *only* need to raise the cap 27 more times so my BD pet can reach his current potential...
oldawning, January 23, 2025 8:48 PM NST
Well, I'm pleased. I can OHK Tekkitu the Witch Doctor every time now for those nice 750 NP per battle. Thanks, TNT, and thanks, JN for posting the change!
cornflakes, January 23, 2025 9:01 PM NST
awwww yiss
stonewolf11, January 23, 2025 9:28 PM NST
Thank you for updating. Any plans to update searchability on the battledome. being able to filter here by release date would be amazing for looking for new weapons (and not just the 5 newest on the left panel)
gnostichkdum, January 24, 2025 5:56 AM NST
ashurablack, January 24, 2025 6:55 AM NST
This is a nice change overall, but for someone who started exclusively training for HP after reaching 750, it would take quite a while to make my pet level up and be trainable for strength and defense again, and much more costly than if I could have trained strength to 850 before I have so much HP. I wonder if this will be addressed somehow
biediep, January 24, 2025 7:40 AM NST
Dang, was hoping they'd raise it to 1000 but I'm just glad they've updated it at all
lia_19_85, January 24, 2025 7:41 AM NST
ashurablack: I'd suggest stat increasers or zapping.
sequince, January 24, 2025 9:49 AM NST
It would be nice if the Move and Intelligence had more of an effect in battle now.

@Cuddlytoaster -
Not sure we need stronger Battledome opponents, Tried with the update and still couldn't touch Chiazilla.
sequince, January 24, 2025 9:51 AM NST
By Chiazilla, I mean on the highest toughness.
oceanblueh2o_7, January 24, 2025 11:54 AM NST
The Tekkitu Witch Doctor ... bahhhh ... i am going after that vile red bird!
pikachu315111, January 24, 2025 5:27 PM NST
Hm, so if we continue this pattern until our Neopet's Attack/Defense is 999, it'll look like this:

850-899: 19 per icon
900-949: 20 per icon
950-999: 21 per icon

BUT that is where I would stop, at least with just pure damage per icon (DPI) increase.

So what to do for higher Attack & Defense? Well, assuming they don't want to touch previous boosts requirements, maybe instead of just DPI it'll unlock a chance to do a "critial hit/block" (CH. If your Neopets does a CHB the DPI is multiplied by a certain amount. The chance to do a CHB and how much it multiplies are determined by your Neopets Attack/Defense. Example going up to 2.3k:

1000-1049: CHB chance is 1% & multiplies x1.01.
1050-1099: CHB 1.1% & x1.01.
1100-1149: CHB 1.1% & x1.02.
1150-1199: CHB 1.2% & x1.02.
1200-1249: CHB 1.2% & x1.03.
1250-1299: DPI is 21.25.

1300-1349: 1.3% & x1.03.
1350-1399: 1.3% & x1.04.
1400-1449: 1.4% & x1.04.
1450-1499: 1.4% & x1.05.
1500-1549: DPI is 21.5.

1550-1599: 1.5% & x1.05.
1600-1649: 1.5% & x1.06.
1650-1699: 1.6% & x1.06.
1700-1749: 1.6% & x1.07.
1750-1799: DPI is 22.75.

1800-1849: 1.7% & x1.07.
1850-1899: 1.7% & x1.08.
1900-1949: 1.8% & x1.08.
1950-1999: 1.8% & x1.09.
2000-2049: DPI is 23.

2050-2099: 1.9% & x1.09.
2100-2149: 1.9% & x1.1.
2150-2199: 2% & x1.1.
2200-2249: 2% & x1.11.
2250-2299: DPI is 23.25.

I think this would help extend the rewards between "boosts" so that it's rewarding to keep training your Neopet in Attack & Defense while not having the most trained ones be too overpowered.

Though, if up to me, I would go back and redo the entire boost chart. I would still keep the DPI for most of the levels though start tapering it towards the higher numbers and add in my suggested CHB.

Of course there's more issues at hand like:
* Doing more stuff with Movement & Intelligence.
* Improving Training (like having Level requirement apply to stats individually & giving us a wau to redistribute points from one s
pikachu315111, January 24, 2025 5:27 PM NST
* Improving Training (like having Level requirement apply to stats individually & giving us a wau to redistribute points from one stat to another)
* Rebalancing weapons/BD equipment (and ways to get them).
* Fixing/adding mechanics like Stealing & Classic Difficulty (aka opponent's HP (and maybe also have their Attack & Defense boosts) increase the more you beat them)
* I also think Faerie Abilities could use some tweaking and additional stuff (like unlocking new Faerie Ability options in each level; maybe even having a way to increase the "Level" of each Faerie Ability; give us ways to spend more blessings since we have & keep getting boatloads of Bottled Faeries (hm, maybe even expand blessings outside of Faerie Abilities like improving BD equipment?))
* Speaking of Abilities wouldn't mind for "Species Abilities" to return, give each species something unique (and more things to spend blessings on).
* I also wouldn't mind maybe something like a Closet for your BD equipment so that you can quickly swap out equipment without having to deal with the Inventory & worry about a Random Event stealing a rare & valuable weapon.
* Oh, and of course adding in more BD Challengers (also adjusting existing ones, I feel maybe we should get to figuring out a sort of proper power-scaling order for the characters). Think would also be neat to have a way to challenger older Plot specific challengers, like having a "Time Machine Dome". Heck, wouldn't mind more Battledome Events like a new Faerie League or adding/swapping in some new Battleground Factions.

... As you can tell I have a lot of thoughts with the BD as I feel it's one of the most unique parts of the site which makes Neopets special among many other pet sites (well, that uses to exist, Neopets is kind of the last few). And while I would leave the majority of it free, I can see places they can have Neocash & Premium opportunities (maybe having NC specific drops, basing wearables on BD equipment, etc.).
pikachu315111, January 25, 2025 12:19 PM NST
Whoops, messed up a bit with the additional tiers I suggested:

* 850-899 should be 18 per icon.
* 900-949 should be 19 per icon.
* 950-999 should be 20 per icon.

* 1250-1299 should be DPI is 20.25.
* 1500-1549 should be DPI is 20.5.
* 1750-1799 should be DPI is 20.75.
* 2000-2049 should be DPI is 21.
* 2250-2299 should be DPI is 21.25.
lidorajaka, January 26, 2025 10:59 AM NST
morgs__, January 27, 2025 7:35 AM NST
Question: has the battledome broken for anyone? I'm stuck on one of the skirmish opponents since last night and it wont let me send the next one.
pikachu315111, January 27, 2025 12:03 PM NST
@ morgs__:
You can withdraw from the BD's "Challenges" page:
morgs__, January 28, 2025 4:01 AM NST
steelkiller1111, January 29, 2025 3:14 PM NST
I think 1000 boost would be good enough, 3/4 of the strongest pets are from glitched items anyways. Why reward them.more?

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